They stare towards the heart they stare at the stone he'll upend the plate of angles; she'll upend the plate of angles v dashes of mercury and asarus alchemy will channel v archangels... v archangels [chorus i:] "in the sun we remember; in the planets we forget we've come unto a hall and asaru is who we've met" Huluppu roots are forked like veins in a canny hand; their leaves have scuttled in spiraled force a vi fold nova, fleurs de lys... v cards are placed in the hand of the course. [chorus ii:] "o' abyssia we recall; in spiraled force, they will fall man, staff and the silver gilt key shall take us to v.i.t.r.i.o.l." [mandate of pandemonium (solos: shaftiel):] "dreamer!" : "redeemer!" "dreamer!" : "redeemer!" "dreamer!" : "redeemer!" "the abyss!" : "v.i.t.r.i.o.l.!" [repeat mandate of pandemonium] Their universe... it's constantly changing, and every change in force it's constantly dying. svaddistthana: sakkya-ditti rearrange v cards, yet are they lying? [repeat chorus i] Closing verdant curtains closure is the apex; one curve is the asp, but the snake is a path in light these twins are emerging, geminis still verging, yet atu still carries the knife. [repeat chorus ii]
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