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Last night i turned my tv on and i couldn't believe what was on
some fucking rich kid crying cause her, her boy friend left her cold
well why the fuck is this shit playing over the air?
to make us feel sorry for some fucking millionaire?
well i was getting pissed and i was getting mad,
i took a chair and smashed it right into the set
some fucking businessman is crying "boo-fucking-hoo..."
as he stops and thinks of all the "poor suckers" he screwed
Well i said, fuck this propaganda, fuck the news, it just
controls your mind it fills your, head with crap!
You'll scream tonight, so throw it away
you'll scream tonight, so stay away, stay away
It's a commercial about some barbie type clone blond
she's six foot four and only weighs one hundred pounds
she looks so natural like a fucking starving child
they sell her body and her self esteem out loud
some old man sits there drooling at this fucking smut
"if she'd take off her shirt well, now that would be good luck!"
"what was she advertising for anyways?"
he can't remember, "but she sure had killer legs..."
Degrading womyn well it's, nothing new,
he's got a hard on now and that's just, fucking, "great news"



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