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CANTANTE: Boogie Down Productions

TITULO:30 Cops Or More

When they arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now
When they arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now hey

If you a black herb smuggler
They will, watch you by the hour
It only means that if you have more money
Then you have more power
They will come in the night
And they will read you your rights
There is no need to fight
If you're black there is no need to fight

But when them come to arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now
When they arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now hey

Years ago a black man couldn't be a cop
They could only be great dancers
When the whole police department was white
Justice, was the black panthers
We've been robbed of our religion
Our government and social position
And you won't see no quick solution
Until you see the black revolution

But when them come to arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now
When they arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now hey

he's gonna get across the border before we can catch him
*dogs barking*
just let me draw a bead on his black ass and he's dead
*dogs barking*

They arrest us by the hour
Cause the black man in the ghetto has power
If he would wake up and unite
The police department would lose the fight

But when them come to arrest a

Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now
When they arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now hey

If you a black herb smuggler
They will, watch you by the hour
It only means that if you have more money
Then you have more power
They will come in the night
And they will read you your rights
There is no need to fight
If you're black there is no need to fight

But when them come to arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now
When they arrest a
Black man, they need 30 cops or more.. well now hey

he's gonna get across the border before we can catch him
*dogs barking*
just let me draw a bead on his black ass and he's dead
*dogs barking*
he's gonna make it
let the dogs go!
no i won't do it!
he's got full, they've only got two
they'll tear him apart, i won't do it
let the dogs go!
turn loose those dogs!



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