CANTANTE: David Lee Roth
TITULO:California Girls
[] brackets = backing singers part Well, east coast girls are hip, i real-ly dig those styles they wear; (1 beat instrumental) and the south-ern girls with the way they talk, they knock me out when i'm down there, (1 3/4 beat instrumental) the mid-west farm-ers daugh-ters real-ly make you feel al-right, (1 beat instrumental) and the north=ern girls with the way they kiss they keep their boy-friends warm at night. (1 3/4 beat instrumental) Chorus: girls _____________ [i wish they all could be cal-i-forn-nia,] girls______________ [i wish they all could be cal-i-for-nia,] i wish they all could be cal-i-for-nia girls________ (3/4 beat instrumental) The west coast has the sun-shine, and the girls all get so tanned; (1/2 beat instrumental) i dig a french bi-ki-ni on ha-wai-ian is-lands, dolls by a palm tree in the sand, (1 3/4 beat instrumental) i been all a-round this great big world, and i've seen all kinds of girls, (1 beat instrumental) but i could-n't wait to get back in the states, back to the cut-est girls in the world. (1 3/4 beat instrumental) Chorus: (1 bar & 3 3/4 beat instrumental) Tag (ad lib): Girls girls girls girls i dig them - girls [i wish they all could be cal-i-for-nia,] i dig them - girls girls girls girls girls [i wish they all could be cal-i-for-nia,] i dig them - girls Repeat tag to fade
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