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CANTANTE: Damien Rice


I'm so childish
a little bit wildish
with my rumdiddlyumdiddlyumdiddly
i'm so deep
Well i'm so garish
a little unfairish
the way i pick you up
and drop you in a heap
I'm so unfaithful
in fact i'm a plateful
i won't kiss her
but i'll stare her up all night
I'm a stormy little singer
an unstable little swinger
if you're coming
come prepared for a fight
Well i'm so childish
a little bit wildish
with my rumdiddlyumdiddlyumdiddly
i'm so deep
Well i'm so uncaring
do far too much swearing
and if you read through my behaviour
you'll find i'm a creep
I'll play a stormer
yet in the corner
i'll be grumpy on my own
like i don't care
I'm a stormy little singer
an unstable little swinger
with a big rip
in the arsehole of my flares
Well i'm so childish
a little bit wildish
with my rumdiddlyumdiddlyumdiddly
i'm so mad
I'm so truthful
a little bit bruteful
but in sooth i know not
why i am so sad
I try my bestest
well as far the restest
well it's just stuff that comes out wrong
and gets misunderstood
I'm a dandy little dreamer
a doctored misdemeanour
a didactic destiny schemer
bare with me if you would



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