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TITULO:D-12 World

[intro - chorus]
welcome to d12 world!
where you can get anything from sex, x, to girls.
welcome to d12 world!
prostitutes and guns, so fuck the real world.
(distorted) the world wants me to cope.
i don't smoke crack, i don't smoke crack, i don't.
fuck the silly shit, i pull a mac milli quick,
when d12 rock his summer it's over with.
all these bitches and all these hoes,
what the fuck you looking at me for? (you, nigga!).
oh yeah, you like my chain, want to get your skinny ass up in the range.
i like my bitches raspy and nasty,
i like a fat and nasty bitch named ashley
i slide you dope without no procrastination,
and you can watch me fuck up your imagination.
i'm always drunk, and i fiend to smack hoes,
i mean it, i leave them screamin' like pteorodactyls.
this is our world. . .
we'd love to smack you,
hot lead flying with debris and schrapnel.
rippin' you to shreads, fuckin' up your tatoo.
break into your crib, take your records and plaques too.
[kon artis]
d12 is, that's who!
got you limpin'.
still poppin' somethin' purple with a bottle of gin bitch!
i fuck up your kinship, i lie in this shit.
peep, i stole your mom's jeep and crashed into my street.
crazy derange. of course we shady's gang,
of course we wear clothes with holes and blood stains.
no doubt, we shoot badges, born with ski masks.
chew on shro, rainbows, and p acids.
welcome to d12 world!
where you can get anything from sex, x, to girls.
welcome to d12 world!
prostitutes and guns, so fuck the real world.
welcome to d12 world!
(kon artis singing)
welcome to d12 world!
niggas be talkin' shit, but they layin' slugs? now.
i graduated from techs, i grip a pump now.
i used to be nice, but nice don't cut it.
now i over they wig, if they don't uppen my budget.
them d12 niggas, they be quick to blast.
i take my shower cap off, and whup your ass.
steppin' to us, you can't be the smartest,
cause you'll get dropped like an aftermath artist.
they catch me mingling by a bitch with class,
when she turn i'll be sprinkling some shit in her glass.
what part of this you can't understand?
i'll emiliate a man, worse then making a band.
(kuniva - don't be mistakin' that man),
(kon artis - he'll invite you over.)
real fast, and pass your ass a glass of ebola.
[kon artis]
i've been doing this for a minute,
and i'm starting to see my little brother (?brother's name prob?)
look more like a star then me.
that's why i just started workin' out.
man, this shit ain't workin' out.
(kon artis conitinues singing till song fades)



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