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CANTANTE: Corporate Avenger

TITULO:Drug Dealing God

It is a plant, not a demon
it is a teacher, it is a healer.
Roots within our mother's skin,
one who gives... freely!
Who are you, so full of lies?
i am human, i'm alive!
Who are you to dictate rights?
what you see is not our sight!
God made it, men use it, government put people in cages for it.
god made it, men use it, government put people in cages for it.
(the united states government will take a wage earning father away from his family, irregardless of the will of the people ho are tired of having their hard earned money stolen from their paychecks and funneled towards law enforcement at the expense and sorrows of the masses.)
Shiney green, above to sky. i see her and she looks so nice.
i feel her, and i ask you why. who are you to dictate rights?
Who are you, so full of lies?
i am human, i'm alive!
Who are you to dictate rights?
what you see is not our sight!
God made it, men use it, government put people in cages for it.
god made it, men use it, government put people in cages for it.
(the delaration of independence, that very document that declares sovereignty from england, states and refers to native people as "merciless indian savages" we can all know that the law of lies is the law of the land, the law of lies is the law of the land.)
Once upon a time there was an unseen field of energy spun into form by the higher one the creator, everything had a purpose and everything was interconnected. then one day one of the created decieded to question the integrity of the creator, and question the interconnectedness, and question the purpose, it was a very sad day...
Wanted by the u.s. government: the lord god almighty. creator of heavon and earth. for the creation and cultivation of the plant marijuana on the planet earth.
Wanted by the u.s. government: the lord god almighty



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