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TITULO:Love You Like I Did

Tell me who's gonna look at you,
and love you for the person you are.
tell me who's gonna understand
that sometimes you can take things too far.
tell me who's gonna be there when
times are good and when they are bad.
tell me who's gonna love you girl,
the way i loved you.
tell me who's gonna be right there
to wipe your tears whenever you cry.
tell me who's gonna talk it out,
to make sure everything is all right.
tell me who's gonna call you on the telephone,
when your all alone.
tell me who's gonna love you girl...
ain't nobody gonna do the things i did.
ain't nobody gonna kiss the way i kiss.
ain't nobody gonna speak the way i speak.
ain't nobody gone love you...
like i did.
ain't nobody gonna be the fool for you.
ain't nobody gonna open the doors for you.
ain't nobody going through what i went through.
ain't nobody gone love you...
love you like i did.
anytime you needed a friend,
girl i was right there for you.
anytime you needed a lover,
you could call on me for that too.
there is nothing,
nothing that i wouldn't do for you.
tell me who's gonna love you girl,
the way i loved you.
everything you always wanted,
girl you know i gave it to you.
never had to worry cause you knew
i would take care of you.
and you may find, another man,
but can't nobody love you
the way that i loved you.
(how could you do it) baby how could you,
(you did me wrong) treat me the way you did,
(you broke my heart and how could you leave me) when you know i did,
(leave me by myself) i did everything for you,
and you'll never find another man, to love you the way i did
(girl nobody, nobody, nobody... will love you just like me)
whoa oh...



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