Stop at nothing, and always play for keeps. never settle for the second-best. never play it cheap. Paradox; if you hide your feelings just to be; nobody's fool you'll learn; that the master kicks the mule stargazer, your castle's gonna fall. you'll be left with nothing at all. Daydreamer! what do ya' do ? when your dreams turn on you. Stick to basics, don't fiddle about make your move the minute you're able, let nothing knock you out. Paradox; if you wait and wonder just to be; sure you ain't misled you'll learn; the others are way-ahead tail-chaser, always the last in line, dragging way-behind. Hey, stranger! what ya' say ? ain't it time for you to realize that there ain't no easy-way. No easy-way take my advice, you must try to hold-on. don't close your eyes, keep your feet on the ground Don't stop at anything always play for keeps. don't settle down for the second best that's just playin'-it cheap. Paradox; if you hide your feelings just to be; nobody's fool you'll learn; that the master kicks the mule tail chaser, you're the last in line, draggling way-behind Hey, stranger! what ya' say ? ain't it time for you to realize that there ain't no easy-way
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