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CANTANTE: Alice Donut

TITULO:American Fingers, American Lips

I've got a jackson pollack tattoo on my ass.
video priests screaming out high mass.
sick little schoolgirls rollinor 'round on my floor.
i've got jehova witnesses knocking at my door.
i've got rednecks sucking life from a can.
naked woman magazinzes making me a man.
big blonde bush, chizophrenic tits.
i come prematurely and i don't give a shit.
here come american fingers.
here come, here come
here come american lips.

jane fonda's spreading her legs on my tv.
i watch her exercise, it's so healthy.
i've got serial killers straight from transylvania.
burning crosses and,...biblemania.
i've got a monster trans am.
i'm so fucking cool.
i've got jimmy hoffa floating in my swimming pool
all my kids eat drugs, got my cigarettes.
don't give a fuck, fuck, fuck-fuck, fuck.
here come american fingers.
here come, here come
here come american lips.
(insstrumental break)
737 exploding boeing jets.
hemorrhoids and the nuclear threat.
my president has colo-rectal cancer
bloody french fries at my mcdonald's mcmassacre.
black and hispanic dying underclass.
baseball jocks cutting lines on a glass.
monosodium glutamate to cook in my wok
i've got a herpes sore at the tip of my cock.
here come american fingers.
here come, here come
here come american lips.
(manaical laughter)
here come american fingers.
here they come, here they come
here come american lips.



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